Do not know what media to trust? Who is broadcasting only the latest news? What source of information is reliable?
We answered all these questions by creating our free application!
- We are the aggregator of all the key news portals in Russia and the CIS.
- Our partners are well-known publications such as: Russia Today (RIA Novosti), Interfax, TASS, RBC, Kommersant, Vesti, Izvestia, Komsomolskaya Pravda, and many others.
- 11 thematic sections, where you can always learn the latest news of the economy, politics, sport, business, as well as the exchange rate, oil prices, etc.
- Ability to connect any of 83 sources, create your own list of favorite publications, as well as view the tape in the last hour or picture of the day.
Our news aggregator is absolutely free!
All the major events of the day on the screen of your smartphone in the information tape of the media application2.
Please send all your comments and suggestions to - we will promptly respond to them and be sure to take into account all your comments.
Until the connection! Stay up to date with the main events!
Made several improvements and fixes
Made several improvements and fixes
Made several improvements and fixes.
Made several improvements and fixes.
Made several improvements and fixes.
Dear users! In this version of the application, the problem of abnormal termination when receiving notifications is prohibited is fixed.
Also added a dark splash screen with a dark theme.
Dear users! In this version of the application, the problem of abnormal termination when receiving notifications is prohibited has been fixed.
Dear users! Please update the app to the latest version. We know that the previous one may not work correctly.
Media news from other countries - in the attachment SMI2.
Read news media from Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan without leaving the application. Select your country from the side menu of the app. Ukrainian news is presented in two languages: Russian and Ukrainian.
We will also notify you about the most read news. You can disable push notifications through a setting in the side menu of the application.
Optimization of the application has been carried out
Dear Readers! In the new release 4.0.10, we hope that the problem with the periodic freezing of the application has been solved. The news now opens in the web browser you use on your smartphone (we recommend Chrome). At the same time, the SMI2 application does not consume additional phone memory and does not freeze. If you don't already have a browser app installed on your phone, it's time to do so. We would be grateful for your feedback on the new version of the application.
Now the volume keys change the playback volume of the media content on the websites being opened, not the font size.
Fixed exit from the application when notifications are disabled.
Added autodetection of the region. Now your region will be determined automatically, unless the region has been selected by you manually.
Fixed the detected errors.